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talk med Lene Rachel Andersen
Future and Research og Culture and Society
15.000,00 DKK
Beregnes senere
675,00 DKK
I alt ekskl. moms
15.675,00 DKK
25% moms
3.918,75 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
19.593,75 DKK
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What are the structural changes and forces driving current discontent, and how can we create solutions to the pressing problems? You will get: * A clear picture of the mismatch between what people want and the world we live in * An understanding of how and why we are all undereducated in relation to the times in which we live * An idea of how we can move forward peacefully and what we need to do to make it happen In a world where technology is rapidly destroying economic and social structures, citizens are under pressure - and the anger is palpable. The keynote, "The mess we've made - and how to get out of it", dives into the central causes of the growing discontent and looks at how digitalisation, AI, social media and deep-fakes are shaking our sense of security and stability. But the technology is not the only challenge. Globalisation, outsourcing and immigration have become some of the most divisive issues in Western societies and have created fears of losing cultural identity, economic security and social cohesion. It is urgent to do something about it. This keynote and workshops provide a deep insight into the drastic changes that are happening in our society, and the fears and challenges it brings. We get down to the root of our societal cohesion and see where the destruction is happening. There will also be suggestions on how we can change the development and create a common sense of belonging in our increasingly diverse society. The situation is the same throughout the West, but there are of course differences between the USA, Great Britain, the Nordic countries and the rest of Europe. Keynotes and workshops take this into account.
Foredragsholder: Lene Rachel Andersen
Varighed: 30 - 120 minutter
Emner: Brain research, Culture and Society, Future, Future and Research, Future trends, Globalization, National security og Politics
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og sv
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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