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course med Lene Rachel Andersen
3.700,00 DKK
166,50 DKK
I alt ekskl. moms
3.866,50 DKK
25% moms
966,62 DKK
I alt inkl. moms
4.833,12 DKK
Why? We live in an overwhelming time, but with a deeper understanding of the structures in development, we can navigate better and make wiser decisions. What? Nordic Bildungs Fremtidsakademi takes you through 10 modules, each of which gives you a new prism through which to see and understand the world. Your perspective will be different. How? Each module consists of a combination of presentations, discussions and group assignments. Each module lasts 2½ hours, and there is 30 minutes of preparation before each module. For whom? Professionals from fields as diverse as medicine, communication, engineering, IT development, teaching and plumbing have greatly enjoyed our future academy. Everyone contributes with their different perspectives. Your benefit from the course: * Analytical tools to understand the major features of historical and technological development * A completely different way of understanding and talking about the future * Prerequisites for making better decisions for yourself and your organization Full program and info about all 10 sessions here:
Foredragsholder: Lene Rachel Andersen
Varighed: 1500 minutter
Sprog: Engelsk
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