facebookWhat comes after inflation? af Lars Christensen | Youandx

talk med Lars Christensen


What comes after inflation?

Economics and Finance og Technology




25.000,00 DKK

Beregnes senere

1.125,00 DKK

I alt ekskl. moms

26.125,00 DKK

25% moms

6.531,25 DKK

I alt inkl. moms *

32.656,25 DKK

Prisen vil variere ift. transport- og servicegebyr. Beløbet opkræves først når bookingen er færdiggjort.

The outlook for the global economy and the financial markets

Inflation has again come down well in 2023, and we have avoided the much-feared hard landing in the economy. But the fear of a hard landing is still there - both in the US and Europe, and the geopolitical risk has certainly not diminished with terror in Israel and hostilities in Gaza, the continuing war in Ukraine and the fear of a more geopolitically aggressive China. In China, the downturn continues, but also without the feared collapse. However, the problems seem to loom large for the Chinese economy. And then there is the US presidential election. What will this mean for economic and financial development - and what about AI? Is it the salvation for the world economy? But we got well into 2024 without an economic recession and without significantly increasing unemployment. The question, however, is what the rest of the year and next year will bring – will the soft landing in the global economy continue, or will we have a recession, or will inflation return? And what about Denmark? Can we continue to disengage from the economic growth brake? Will Novo Nordisk pull all of the growth for another year? Should interest rates go up or down? Is it time to buy or sell stocks? And what about the housing market? Economist Lars Christensen tries to answer all these questions in this lecture on the world economy and the financial markets. The lecture can be tailored to your event.

Foredragsholder: Lars Christensen

Varighed: 30 - 90 minutter

Emner: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cryptocurrency, Data analysis, Digitization, Economics and Finance, Economy og Technology

Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og sv


Tilgængelig fysisk




Baseret på 4 anmeldelser



Friday, 19. August, 2022

Direktionskonsulent, TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne


Vores oplevelse af Lars’ indlæg var rigtig positiv. Lars formidlede kompliceret viden på en energisk og humoristisk måde. Han var i god kontakt med deltagerne i lokalet, lyttede og indgik i dialog både før, under og efter oplægget. Tak!

Trine Kamph

Tuesday, 11. April, 2023

Director, Danske Bank Laksegade


Relevant, spændende og engageret fremstilling!!

Lars Bech Larsen

Thursday, 12. October, 2023

Service Delivery Manager, Vitec ALOC


Meget engageret, entusiatisk, god humor og nogle meget interessante betragtninger om renter, inflation, covid, fedme og wegowy/ozempic. Jeg og mine kunder nød foredraget og vil givet komme til at tale om det i lang tid. Anbefales meget varmt!

Peter Toftager

Friday, 19. January, 2024

Formand, Foreningen Executives & Property X-PRO


Lars er en blændende formidler, hvis foredrag står ovenpå et utroligt solidt fundament af økonomisk viden