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The Danes have never worked less than now, but despite that, most of us feel that we are constantly behind - that we never have enough time. Time is also the scarcest resource we have. Sooner or later time runs out for all of us. It is therefore also natural that economists are interested in what time is. After all, economics is precisely the science of the allocation of scarce resources. In this lecture, economist Lars Christensen explains, among other things, why, despite the fact that we have much more free time than ever before, we still don't think we can make the time tick. Why we feel busier than ever. Lars Christensen also looks at what we spend our time on and how it has changed over time. He discusses the importance of the washing machine to women's emancipation and how the mobile phone and the internet have not done much for our work productivity but have revolutionized our "work at home". And why is it, despite the abundance of free time, that it has become more and more difficult for the country's sports clubs to attract volunteers? Why stress is perhaps most linked to our leisure time, which feels increasingly scarce, rather than to our work. Time is our most important resource, and therefore we must use it properly. Economists probably can't teach people that, but Lars Christensen will explain in his lecture why we choose to spend our time the way we do, what we might do differently.
Foredragsholder: Lars Christensen
Varighed: 45 - 120 minutter
Emner: Challenges, Economics and Finance, Economy, Performance, Personal development og Personal effectiveness
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og sv
Tilgængelig fysisk
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