I have given over 95 lectures on AI. Maybe I should put an AI to hold them soon…
Christian Bech Nørhave tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
Christian is a futurist and has worked with tech, IT, automation and management for over 17 years. He currently advises companies on the future, tech and especially AI. Christian's passion, his lectures, workshops and consultancy are based on making companies succeed and ensuring that they make the right digital decisions. Christian has been at the head of many digitization and automation projects, and with his many years of experience he contributes to in-depth knowledge of how technology should be used to run business and create value directly on the bottom line. Please reach out if you have questions or want a meeting before booking a lecture or workshop.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 10 anmeldelser
inspirerende, relevant og i øjenhøjde.
TEKNIQ Arbejdsgiverne
Christian leverede et fantastisk spændende foredrag. Jeg havde en rigtig god dialog med ham inden dagen. Han gjorde sig meget umage for at forstå vores behov og vores målgruppe, og det var et meget godt samarbejde fra start til slut. Jeg kan varmt anbefale ham!
Adm.dir, Tekniq Arb.
Vedkommende og stærk inspiration på det hastigt udviklende AI marked.
Christian Bech Nørhave har ingen eksterne links.