facebookArne Nielsson - Book hos Youandx

Arne Nielsson

How do you develop the will to win?




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About Arne Nielsson

Arne Nielsson is a ten-time world champion and former Olympic silver medalist in canoe rowing. For over 15 years, he has worked as a professional coach and lecturer for primarily business and sports people, just as he is the author of the bestselling books "The will to win 1 + 2", "Your teenager must be coached - not brought up" and "The will is in the heart”. Based on the topic "The will to win", Arne Nielsson has lectured and inspired more than 200,000 people. In particular, he has taught them 'to play themselves and their colleagues better' and 'create more hands-over-the-head days'. Arne has been named 'Inspirator of the Year' several times by one of Denmark's leading course providers. The award is the greatest recognition a lecturer in Denmark can receive. As a former top athlete and world champion in double canoeing, Arne knows something about the importance of persistence, self-management and personal training. Disciplines you must master, whether you are an elite athlete, business manager, employee, partner and parent, if your goal is success, harmony and to unfold your full potential. The code words are i.a. excitement, mental training and coaching. Arne Nielsson also acts as Executive Coach for a large number of the best athletes and top managers in Denmark.


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Anmeldelser af Arne Nielsson



Baseret på 103 anmeldelser


Henrik Skov

Saturday, 26. October, 2024

Økonomidirektør, Coop


Arne er super god til at formidle sine budskaber på en let, relevant og humoristisk måde, som gør at man nemt kan relatere det til såvel job som privatlivet.

Heidi Rimmer

Monday, 21. October, 2024

Skagen Skole

Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag


Vi var virkelig glade og helt ovenud tilfredse. Arne er så skønt et menneske, og det stråler ud af ham, at han har forstand på mennesker, relationer og det sociale samspil i en flok. Han er let at tale med og går ind i folk med træsko på. Alle var SÅ glade og hænderne var over hovedet fra vi gik derfra og sad der stadig i dag. Vi arbejder videre med de værktøjer som Arne har givet os, og håber vi kan lave en aftale mere næste år.

Carsten Kruse

Wednesday, 25. September, 2024

Ressourcedirektør, VUC Storstrøm


Arne var helt forrygende. Der har været masser af ros fra medarbejderne over foredraget.

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