Economist without filter and with towering professionalism
Lars Christensen tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
Lars Christensen is something as rare as an economist who dares to speak his mind and can explain otherwise dry and difficult economic and financial topics in a way that everyone can understand without it becoming boring. Lars is an internationally recognized economist specializing in international economics, emerging markets and monetary policy. Lars has close to 30 years of experience as both a civil servant, bank economist and independent consultant. Today, Lars Christensen is CEO and head of analysis at the data, analysis and AI consulting company Paice, of which he is also co-owner and founder. Lars is also an external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School (Department of Digitalisation). Lars also sits on a number of boards and advisory boards. Lars often appears in both Danish and international media. Lars has also previously co-hosted the weekly economic program "Boraghi and the Money Doctor" on the radio station Den Udälänge and on Ekstra Bladet. Lars has written the blog The Market Monetarist ( since 2011.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 15 anmeldelser
Head of Sales Fixed Income, Nasdaq
Lars er altid levende foran et publikum og det var han også denne gang.
Super indlæg - relevante emner og eksempler og som altid en meget energisk og levende præsentation af Lars.
Direktør, R.I. Vermögensbetreuung AG
Informativt digitalt 1:1 møde med Lars om AI og ChatGPT. Vi berørte mange emner inden for AI samt potentielle anvendelsesområder, specifikt i vores virksomhed. Indholdet var godt, og det blev formidlet på en super måde. Kan varmt anbefales!
Lars Christensen har ingen eksterne links.