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In the United States, almost 40 percent of the population is seriously obese - and the number continues to rise. In Denmark, it is not so bad, but even here, serious overweight is a growing health problem. Severe obesity also has enormous economic consequences - both directly in the form of rising healthcare costs and indirectly in the form of increased sickness absence, lower productivity and lower income for those who are severely overweight. In this lecture, economist Lars Christensen gives an overview of the "Economy behind obesity": * What does obesity mean for health care costs? * Why are obese people less productive and earn less than people of normal weight? * Why do severely obese women earn significantly less than both men of normal weight and women of normal weight, while severely obese men may earn more? * What is the connection between the prices of food and tobacco and the development in the number of severely obese people? Could our efforts against smoking have contributed to creating more obese people? * Can Novo's medicine against obesity give a boost not only to the Danish economy, but also to the world economy? * Are anti-obesity drugs perhaps more important to the world economy than artificial intelligence? The lecture can be adapted to the customer's needs.
Foredragsholder: Lars Christensen
Varighed: 30 - 120 minutter
Emner: Balance, Economics and Finance, Economy, Food, Health og Lifestyle
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og sv
Tilgængelig fysisk
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