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workshop med Lene Rachel Andersen
Future and Research og Management
Foto: AI-genereret billede
18.000,00 DKK
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810,00 DKK
I alt ekskl. moms
18.810,00 DKK
25% moms
4.702,50 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
23.512,50 DKK
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Foto: AI-genereret billede
Burnout, outdated management models and toxic competition – this is not sustainable. What if your organization could thrive on collaboration, creativity and meaning? Maybe it's time for 21st Century Leadership Business Bildung. You will get: * Tools for change that get your employees on board and unlock their potential * A deep understanding of the meaning making that causes resistance to change * An understanding of why occupational psychology cannot deliver what you need, but pedagogy and education can In a fast-paced, ever-changing here-and-now world, traditional management models cannot meet new complexities and challenges. Managers at all levels need a new approach – one that looks beyond optimization and hierarchies. Nordic Bildung introduces Business Bildung, a different management philosophy and method, which is inspired by our colleges and The Nordic Secret. Here, management is redefined for the 21st century with a focus on meaningful collaboration, systemic creativity and sustainable growth. Business Bildung makes it concrete to shift the paradigm from top-down decisions to informed, distributed decision-making. The model promotes self-organization and values human values and meaningfulness rather than conforming to spreadsheets. Book the presentation or workshop if you dare; we will make visible: * The limitations of typical business psychology and why it is time for change. * Practical strategies for implementing Business Bildung in your organization, illustrated through our Delicatessen Delights case study – meet Slagter-Harry! * Techniques for harnessing complexity, fostering systemic creativity and creating a regenerative, vibrant economy. Whether you choose the keynote, our 3-hour introduction, a comprehensive 1-day workshop or an immersive 3-day seminar, you will gain new and unusual insights into leading with meaning and innovation.
Foredragsholder: Lene Rachel Andersen
Varighed: 180 - 240 minutter
Emner: Change management, Company culture, Future, Future and Research, Future trends, Management og Work environment
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og sv
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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