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Create the politics of the future. The future is not predetermined; we have to actively shape it. Dive into artificial intelligence, biotechnology and global challenges shaping society. Gain useful insights to design forward-looking policies that ensure sustainable growth and social development. You will get: * The very broad perspective of who humans are as a species * A global perspective and where your organization fits into the global trends and can make a difference * The “alphabet” of things we need to take into account as we move forward as a species As a political decision maker, your decisions shape the future. In an age of insanely fast technological progress and global challenges, it is essential to stay ahead of the curve. This keynote and our workshops offer an in-depth look at eight critical areas that define our world: Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, Circularity, Demography, Education, Finance, Global Knowledge Spread and Humanism. This isn't just another talk, it's a strategic briefing designed to give you actionable insights. We delve into how artificial intelligence and biotechnology are pushing the boundaries of ethics and decisions, why education and demographic changes require political attention right now, how global financial systems create both new opportunities and risks, and how there is a need for global knowledge sharing. To design policies that not only address today's problems but also anticipate tomorrow's needs, it is necessary to understand these dynamics. Lene Rachel Andersen guides you through this complexity and gives you some perspectives that are both global and deeply relevant to your local work. Regardless of whether you choose the keynote or a workshop, here you get the opportunity to get an overview of the future, which is necessary to navigate an increasingly complex landscape, and which can contribute to your decisions being not just reactive, but proactive . Set aside a few hours now to create results for years to come. Give yourself knowledge that will change your perspective and improve your decisions today.
Foredragsholder: Lene Rachel Andersen
Varighed: 180 - 240 minutter
Emner: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Child rearing, Culture, Culture and Society, Disruption, Politics, Robots og Technology
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og sv
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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