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We are different. It can make us fight each other and make us smaller. Or it can make us cooperate and strengthen the joint effort. What the outcome will be largely depends on how aware we are of the differences and how willing we are to bring them into play and exploit them. There is a need for increased diversity and greater inclusion on the job and in society. Most people agree on that. It just hasn't turned out to be quite so easy. Not because we can't or don't want to, but because we are human beings with a brain that is designed to keep the unknown at bay. We quickly spot differences and have a harder time discovering similarities. The biggest difference between us is not in our physical appearance or cultural background. It's about our way of thinking. Some are for facts, others for feelings. Some want to be in control of everything, others prefer to be free. Some love to get ideas, others to meet people. Some will argue, others document. For some, the process is the most important thing, while others are concerned with the result. The more we know about our own and others' ways of thinking and acting patterns, the better we can communicate and collaborate. Laust makes sure to make the audience more aware of this during the lecture. There will also be a sharp focus on how we handle being challenged on our knowledge, values and identity. When we feel wiser, we seem to have the long end and don't realize that others can be so blind. During the thought-provoking and inspiring lecture, Laust will come across topics such as: Fast and slow thinking, brain function and consciousness, perception and projection, emotional reaction, cognitive bias, relabeling and reframing.
Foredragsholder: Laust Lauridsen
Varighed: 45 - 180 minutter
Emner: Behaviour, Brain research, Communication, Cooperation, Future and Research og Inclusion
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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