facebookFast is not the same as productive - on the contrary af Line Hviid | Youandx

talk med Line Hviid

Fast is not the same as productive - on the contrary

Communication og Management




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'Fast' and 'a lot' do not make you productive - you lack 3 secret ingredients

In most workplaces, being productive is equated with delivering a lot in a short time. In this lecture, Line Hviid explains why that idea is decidedly unproductive, if not downright dangerous for business. The consequences of the one-sided understanding of productivity are large amounts of wasted time, lack of results and burnt-out employees. The lecture introduces the concept of true productivity, which balances speed with the three additional ingredients: prioritization, quality and well-being. This holistic approach ensures that you are not just fast. You also deliver what matters, you deliver to a high standard, and the employees thrive along the way. With the lecture you will get: - Changed your approach to productivity to include the 3 secret ingredients. - Concrete instructions on how to introduce the secret ingredients into your daily life. - Something to talk about so that the lecture has an effect, even after Line Hviid has dribbled out the door. Addresses: - Everything from teams and departments to small and large companies. - Companies whose work is characterized by variance in tasks. - Managers and employees who want higher productivity, less stress and greater job satisfaction. For 10+ years, Line Hviid has worked with agile process optimization and project management with an approach that makes room for both people and job satisfaction. She also has a background in science communication, i.a. in the field of stress and psychological work environment, and is today the host of the podcast De Agile Rødder. She is known as a vibrant and empathetic communicator who is not afraid to call business bullshit.

Foredragsholder: Line Hviid

Varighed: 45 - 90 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Change management, Communication, Cooperation, HR, Management, Management processor og Work environment

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


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