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"I wish we were better at prioritizing..." This is something many teams and managers dream of. Also those who play extensively with prioritization techniques and criteria. The problem is that prioritization starts long before you so much as look at your specific tasks. There are usually 4 things that prevent you and your colleagues from setting good priorities in your daily work. You must get rid of the 4 before you can get the quality, peace and efficiency that good prioritization provides. Preparation: - Line Hviid always starts with a few preparatory conversations with the task setter, so that both the goals and form of the workshop match the desired outcome. The workshop gives you: - A common understanding of the 4 most common challenges when it comes to prioritization. - A list of possible solutions on how to tackle each of the 4 challenges for you. - A concrete plan for what you will start doing differently as soon as the workshop is over. Addresses: - Teams and departments in both small and large companies. - Up to 16 participants. - Line Hviid has particular experience with teams that work with development, tech and communication, but embraces all issues surrounding teams and their collaboration. For 10+ years, Line Hviid has helped managers and employees to optimize their work processes, strengthen mutual cooperation and increase human well-being. She has a master's degree in rhetoric with a background in science communication, i.a. in the field of stress and psychological work environment, and is today the host of the podcast De Agile Rødder. She is known as a lively and empathetic facilitator who is not afraid to say things as they are.
Foredragsholder: Line Hviid
Varighed: 180 - 240 minutter
Emner: Digitization, Innovative approach, Management, Management processor og Technology
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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