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You try to work focused. You are trying to create a mental surplus. But it fails - every time. There are 3 reasons for this: Digital gizmos, the idea of always being available and bad (work) habits. In the lecture here, Line Hviid helps you understand how the 3 reasons stress your individual focus time. She gives you concrete tips on how to take the first small steps towards focus, flow and profit. And she also tells how you ensure that you can still help each other, individual focus time notwithstanding. Last but not least, you get an important question to continue the conversation from when Line has returned home. Addresses: - Small and large companies with employees who have to use their heads every day. - Managers and employees who want less stress and greater job satisfaction. - Individuals, teams and departments. For 10+ years, Line Hviid has helped managers and employees optimize their work processes, strengthen mutual cooperation and increase human well-being. She also has a background in science communication, i.a. in the field of stress and psychological work environment, and is today the host of the podcast De Agile Rødder. She is known as a vibrant and empathetic communicator who is not afraid to call business bullshit.
Foredragsholder: Line Hviid
Varighed: 45 - 90 minutter
Emner: Focus, Management, Performance, Personal development, Personal effectiveness, Personal management, Self-management og Work environment
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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