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The most important resource in any company is the people. That is why we must take care of those people. The people are the company. This is of course about both employees and managers. As we know, it often starts with leadership... The best leader is the one who knows himself and is himself and uses his unique personality to lead himself and others. We become the best version of ourselves as people and leaders when we live out our passion and what we dream about. Do you follow your dream - your passion and get to do what you want now or do you use this phrase "I'm just going to..." When we live our lives based on our passion and with our heart, we get, among other things, a fantastic driving force, and can't help but do what we are passionate about and at the same time we get a happier life and we become more fun to be with. Employees are employees 18 percent of the time, and they are people 100 percent of the time. Watch a video about the lecture:
Foredragsholder: Passion360 by Torben Lorentsen
Varighed: 45 - 120 minutter
Emner: Change management, Company culture, Goals, Job satisfaction, Management, Motivation, Personal management og Talent development
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
Passion360 by Torben Lorentsen har ingen synlige ratings på dette tidspunkt.
Passion360 by Torben Lorentsen har ingen billeder i galleriet.