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Foto: Anne Kring
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Foto: Anne Kring
The management task is undergoing strong transformation in these years - and also in the future. The way we work, organize ourselves, lead and the world we are a part of is also constantly changing. But why is the imprint of all these pressures and changes hard to see in the boards and their way of working? We talk about the value-creating boards, but what is the future? And why should we even bother with it? This is the framework for this lecture, where Jette combines her many years of experience from and with boards, research and her own research and development. Here she comes i.a. into • What is the actual framework and role for the board's work? • What value must the board create – and for whom? • What is at stake in the future and why should board work look different? • What then has to happen and how do we get started? Here, trends and tendencies come into play together with new requirements and tasks that boards and management are faced with. You will be presented with a number of ideas, methods and techniques for working differently with or on your board, both inside and outside the boardroom. And you can take it all home with you and use immediately. FOR COMPANIES AND BOARDS OF BOARDS THAT... would like to work on getting board work into the future, so that additional value is created. It is therefore also addressed to both capital owners, board managers, board members, etc. AFTER THE LECTURE IS... the participants will hopefully be filled with new knowledge, insight and inspiration, which can immediately be tested and put to use in "that future"!
Foredragsholder: Jette Ditlev
Varighed: 60 - 90 minutter
Emner: Board work, Future, Future and Research, Future trends, Management, Management processor og Trend
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og de
Tilgængelig fysisk
Denmark, Europe
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