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Foto: Anne Kring
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Foto: Anne Kring
"Why don't they just do as I say?" I often hear from many managers. In this lecture, the focus is on change and why change can be difficult - both for the individual, for the organization and for the manager. Change is nothing new - fortunately! But they have not become easier to handle in a modern, digital and global age with lots of pressure on the organisation: both from outside and from within. For example, CSRD and ESG are some of the new things that fall on every company these years. It can actually take the breath away from many managers – and employees! And worst of all: it destroys joy, motivation and creates dissatisfaction. In the lecture, we will touch on what drives change and future trends, which you must take into account. We look at a number of the things that create problems, dissatisfaction, trouble and complaints. For example small and big changes, the endless flow of change, the many faces of resistance, is resistance directed against the change or is it against the leader and why you should basically be sick of the bridgeheads! You will get tips and tricks for your work with change, joy and well-being - and of course there is room for both humor and thoughtfulness when we hold up the mirror in front of ourselves!
Foredragsholder: Jette Ditlev
Varighed: 60 - 90 minutter
Emner: Change management, Company culture, Future, Future and Research, Future trends, Management og Personal management
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og de
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