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talk med Jette Ditlev
Future and Research og Management
Foto: Anne Kring
18.500,00 DKK
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Foto: Anne Kring
How many strategies do you have in the drawer, on the bookshelf or saved on the shared drive? And which just lies there - and nothing happens to it? Well, if you have, it might be because you have to work a little differently. And perhaps your perspective also needs to be lifted beyond "next year" or "the next three years"? There are also greater demands for sustainability and social responsibility, but how do we get CSRD, ESG and so on incorporated into both process and result? Based on Jette's own process - STRATEGY AT JYSK - here you get tools for strategic development through 4 simple questions: Where are we? Where can we move? Where are we going? How do we get there? FOR YOU THERE... would like new inspiration for an effective process and practical approach to strategy, where ownership and involvement are important. And where the focus on implementation is great. AFTER THE LECTURE YOU ARE... better equipped to devise effective strategies that you and your organization can act upon. And you get e.g. also the explanation of * Why it all starts with the company's history and situation * Which new trends are crucial in the future * How CSRD and ESG are a completely natural ingredient in the work and help to create opportunities * What it takes to take advantage of the opportunities – and why you should wave goodbye to something * How important leadership is
Foredragsholder: Jette Ditlev
Varighed: 45 - 75 minutter
Emner: Change management, Future, Future and Research, Future trends, Growth, Management og Trend
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og de
Tilgængelig fysisk
All of Denmark
Appetizer: Vores tilknyttede eksperters appetizer-foredrag er helt ekskl. hos Youandx. De varer fra 15 til 60 minutter, og er en kort indføring til den enkeltes foredragsholders speciale. Disse foredrag er billigere end vores traditionelle foredrag, da indholdet er kendetegnet ved at være fastlagt både indholds- og tidsmæssigt og har derudover et begrænset deltagerantal
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