facebookStakeholder Strategies - strategic networking, there moves! af Jette Ditlev | Youandx

talk med Jette Ditlev

Stakeholder Strategies - strategic networking, there moves!

Management og Marketing and Sales


Foto: Anne Kring



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How to become a network ninja

Many think that "networking" can be a bit embarrassing, feel uncomfortable in large gatherings or when asking their network for advice. Or maybe they have a hard time seeing what their network even looks like and how it can be brought into play. In this lecture, the focus is on the positive aspects of networking, and that it is not at all "embarrassing" or "taking advantage of people". On the contrary, it is for both pleasure and benefit for all parties! FOR YOU THERE... would like to learn more about and become more skilled at working strategically with stakeholders and at "networking". AFTER THE LECTURE YOU ARE... hopefully full of new knowledge, insight and courage to get out into the world and network! Here are lots of tips, tricks and concrete tools so you can create (better) results.

Foredragsholder: Jette Ditlev

Varighed: 45 - 60 minutter

Emner: Business development, Growth, Management, Marketing and Sales, Personal management, Sales tools og Trend

Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og de


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