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Foto: Anne Kring
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Foto: Anne Kring
Management is a craft, leadership is a personal matter. Therefore, training usually takes place in both fields. We work with management as a "craft" and with your personal leadership, i.e. you as a person and how you can put yourself in play and at stake. It requires courage, vulnerability, strong values, empathy, situational awareness and creativity. To name just a few. Jette is your buddy and sparring partner. This is not "just theory and consultant talk", because she herself has had her hand on the stove – and continues to do so. Her background and experience mean that she has tried a lot herself – not everything, but most of it! So she knows your world and works so that it is adapted to you, the specific company and situation. Here there is no "one-size fits all". And then she has completed +400 sparring courses over +15 years.
Foredragsholder: Jette Ditlev
Varighed: 60 - 90 minutter
Emner: Board work, Female leadership, Goals, Job satisfaction, Management, Motivation, Personal management og Talent development
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og de
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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