facebookPerform under pressure - And have yourself with you all the way af Jakob Hansen | Youandx

talk med Jakob Hansen


Perform under pressure - And have yourself with you all the way

Motivation og Personal development




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How do you perform optimally with mental strength in stressful situations?

Jakob has stood side by side with world-class athletes at 5 Olympics as a sports psychology sparring partner. He has experienced first-hand what works and what does not work when it comes to the ability to perform with mental strength in pressured situations. In the lecture, Jakob gives an inspiring insight into how world-class athletes work with performance psychology with a number of concrete stories. Some of the existing myths and notions about the mentally strong athlete and performer are taken to task. As humans, we are far more emotionally driven and reactive than we think. For years we have believed that we should eliminate nervousness, stress and fear and replace it with positive thoughts and boost our confidence. The key is instead to accept negative emotions as a natural companion and become better at embracing and settling into the discomfort. Gain an increased insight into what happens to the brain and body when you have to perform when it really matters. Learn how to keep a cool head, make good decisions and stick to yourself and your values when your emotions and thoughts come to a boil. Jakob shows how anyone who has to perform under pressure can benefit from the sports psychology methods. You try yourself with them, and you also deal with how you can perform with balance and well-being without burning out in the long run.

Foredragsholder: Jakob Hansen

Varighed: 20 - 90 minutter

Emner: Goals, Mental training, Motivation, Performance, Personal development, Psychology, Talent development og Winning mentality

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk




Baseret på 2 anmeldelser


Marianne Klockmann

Friday, 1. April, 2022

Head of Brand Projects & Employee Engagement, Ørsted


Jeg har flere gange benyttet mig af Jakobs kompetencer og indlæg - som indspark i vores talentudvikling. Jakob er i stand til at perspektivere de udfordringer man oplever i erhvervslivet - på en forståelig og brugbar facon. Og vi får altid en rigtig god feedback efter hans foredrag. Og foredrag er måske et forkert ord - Jakob er god til at inddrage tilhørerne og skabe en udviklende dialog i gruppen. Foredraget 'Præstér under pres' - og hav dig selv med hele vejen' vil give alle tilhørere noget a...

Anna Marie Houe

Monday, 4. April, 2022

Projektleder, Team Teatret


Jakob formår både at være en skarp formidler, at dele ud af sin rige bagage og at være nysgerrig på ny i mødet med mennesker. Dette gør hans undervisning og foredrag særligt levende og relevant. Jeg har særdeles gode erfaringer med Jakobs undervisning i mødet med det tværfaglige. Her oplever jeg at hans erfaringer og høje faglighed indenfor sportens verden, bliver rammende aktuel i møde med helt andre faggrupper - både på det faglige plan og på personlig plan. Hvis du søger en foredragsholder, d...