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The word achievement divides people. Some talk about 'high performance' as if achievements and results are the meaning of life. For others, performance is a buzzword associated with notions of people unconsciously spinning around on a treadmill. Both views are flawed and outdated. Achieving can never be an end in itself. But without performance we get nowhere. The challenges humanity faces require us to perform at an extraordinary level. Therefore, we must rethink performance and performance management and see it in a more contemporary and meaningful context. In order to perform at an extraordinary level, we need to let go of mediocrity and step into discomfort. We must become better at facing the uncertainty and vulnerability of performance and performance management, and be willing to walk down paths we do not yet know to activate new layers of our performance. The lecture takes its point of departure from the book of the same name and delves into the psychological and philosophical aspects of discomfort in a performance context, and explores what it means to be a performing human being in our time. A time which calls for a more meaningful connection between the outer complexity and the inner world we also possess.
Foredragsholder: Jakob Hansen
Varighed: 45 - 90 minutter
Emner: Board work, Change management, Coaching, Management, Performance, Personal development, Psychology og Work environment
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
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