Sports and performance psychology expert
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Jakob Hansen has participated in 5 Olympics and a number of World Championships and European Championships as a sports psychology consultant for several of Denmark's best athletes and national teams. He has worked with sports psychology and management psychology for 20 years. Previously, Jakob was employed by Team Denmark, but is now a partner in the consulting company doubleyou, where he helps managers, athletes, performers and organizations across business, culture and sport to develop mental strength and sustainable performance cultures. In his lectures, Jakob provides a fascinating insight into the psychology of performance, based on concrete stories from sports, performing arts and business, as well as the latest knowledge about what happens to our brain and body when we have to perform and put ourselves to the test as people. . Jakob dispels many of the well-worn myths that characterize the field, and makes it concrete how you, as a performer, leader, team or organization that wants to be as good as possible, can benefit from the latest performance psychology methods. Jakob is co-author of the books: - Uncold - warm and wise performance management - Discomfort - A new view of performance - "Perform under pressure - guide to mental strength in sport, art and business" - "Mindfulness and Acceptance in sport" - "Discomfort - a new view of performance" - "The coach as coach" - "Gyldendal's Sports Psychology"
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 9 anmeldelser
Vi havde et super godt og inspirerende indlæg af Jakob på vores årlige strategi workshop. Det var spændende, tankevækkende og sjovt. Vi kan klart anbefale Jakob
Konsulent uddannelse, DanskHåndbold
Jakob var rigtig godt forberedt til præcis vores gruppe kursister. Han bidrog med sin store faglighed, og formåede yderligere at inddrage kursisterne i egne erfaringer og viden. Kan stærkt anbefales.
Lektor i idræt og musik, Virum Gymnasium
Inspirerende og god formidling af det faglige stof. Jakob var god til at ramme målgruppen, som var gymnasielever. Det var fint at det seriøse og faglige blev blandet med humor og relevante praktiske øvelser.
Jakob Hansen har ingen eksterne links.