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one-to-one med Lise Bartell
Communication og Management
2.500,00 DKK
Beregnes senere
112,50 DKK
I alt ekskl. moms
2.612,50 DKK
25% moms
653,13 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
3.265,63 DKK
Prisen vil variere ift. transport- og servicegebyr. Beløbet opkræves først når bookingen er færdiggjort.
Lise Bartell has 19 years of management experience and is very often used by CEOs, directors, owner managers, managers, middle managers and management teams in the areas of: advice, sparring and 1:1 sessions where management groups are challenged with their internal communication, behavior and habits. Lise Bartell has a great effect by using the latest brain research and positive psychology both in team coaching and 1:1 sessions. Lise uses the 80/20 rules, where she finds the last 20% of resources and talents that have not yet come into play and she does this with such great effect that it is both seen, heard and felt after the sessions. We always meet before a session to see if there is chemistry and which is the foundation for us to be very successful.
Foredragsholder: Lise Bartell
Varighed: 60 - 85 minutter
Emner: Behaviour, Board work, Communication, Cooperation, Female leadership, Management, Management processor og Network
Sprog: Dansk
Tilgængelig fysisk
the whole country
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