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talk med Lise Bartell
Climate and Sustainability og Management
13.500,00 DKK
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607,50 DKK
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14.107,50 DKK
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3.526,87 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
17.634,37 DKK
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Are you ready to get an innovative push so that there is room for new ideas? Welcome to this lecture on innovation in companies. During the lecture, we will explore what innovation is, why it is important and how you can get started with innovation in your company. We also look at examples and inspiring stories of successful innovative organizations. What is innovation? Innovation is a process in which companies develop and implement new ideas, products, services or business models to create value and improve competitiveness. It's about thinking unconventionally and challenging the status quo to find better solutions to existing problems or meet unmet needs. Why is innovation important? Innovation is essential for companies' survival and growth in an ever-changing and competitive marketplace. Constant advances in technology, changes in consumer preferences and new competitors require companies to be agile and able to adapt. The lecture also suggests that Innovation's ability to create differentiation, improved efficiency and increased customer satisfaction can be decisive for success. Therefore, companies must constantly think outside the box and be innovative. Examples of innovative companies and where innovation has brought a new world with it. Apple: Known for its groundbreaking products in technology and design, including the iPhone, iPad and Mac computers. Tesla: Revolutionizing the automotive industry with electric cars and autonomous driving technology. Airbnb: Created a platform that allows private individuals to rent out their home to travelers in an easy and convenient way. Google: Constantly experimenting with new products and services, from search engines to self-driving cars. This lecture is inspiration on Innovation and the key to staying competitive and finding success in a dynamic business world. By creating a culture that encourages innovation, identifying customer needs, generating and testing ideas and establishing an environment for innovation, companies create opportunities for continuous improvement and differentiation. Remember that innovation is a journey that requires patience and persistence, but can also open up a world of opportunities and success.
Foredragsholder: Lise Bartell
Varighed: 60 - 120 minutter
Emner: Change management, Climate and Sustainability, Climate change, Growth, Management, Management processor, Sustainability og The 17 World Goals
Sprog: Dansk
Tilgængelig fysisk
The product is available in the regions: Capital Region, Zealand, Funen, South Jutland, Central Jutland, North Jutland
Appetizer: Vores tilknyttede eksperters appetizer-foredrag er helt ekskl. hos Youandx. De varer fra 15 til 60 minutter, og er en kort indføring til den enkeltes foredragsholders speciale. Disse foredrag er billigere end vores traditionelle foredrag, da indholdet er kendetegnet ved at være fastlagt både indholds- og tidsmæssigt og har derudover et begrænset deltagerantal
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