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workshop med Lise Bartell
Communication og Management
22.000,00 DKK
Beregnes senere
990,00 DKK
I alt ekskl. moms
22.990,00 DKK
25% moms
5.747,50 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
28.737,50 DKK
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Studies show that companies with happy employees perform significantly better on the bottom line. Employee happiness comes from good relationships and good communication. It strengthens motivation, commitment, cooperation and efficiency among employees. A company culture with job satisfaction has a better chance of attracting and retaining employees and of creating a positive brand. Get better at creating job satisfaction is a workshop aimed at companies, organisations, managers and teams who want to create an attractive workplace with a positive culture and lots of job satisfaction. We meet you and your colleagues at eye level, and take your own experiences and experiences as a starting point, combined with theory, exercises, feedback and useful tools. No PowerPoint presentations - instead "hands-on" training, which gets under your skin and which you can use immediately! YIELD The training gives you and your colleagues tools that can be implemented in the organisation. You: - Helps to define the team's values and to work with the company's values - Get better at sharing the positive stories and success experiences with your colleagues - Can contribute to developing a more positive company culture and strengthen the sense of community - Gives constructive and positive feedback based on what is good and what can be improved - Learns to work with storytelling and to communicate energetically, enthusiastically and authentically - Learn to actively listen to colleagues, so that you gain a better understanding of them, and become better at meeting your colleagues' expectations and thus setting a clear framework for your cooperation - Become more perceptive, so you gain a better understanding of your colleagues' communication and well-being - Gain insight into what personal branding means for the imprint, impression and expression you give to your surroundings CONTENT At the workshop you will get, among other things: - Insights into brain research in cognitive positive psychology - Insight into the connection between communication and job satisfaction - Introduction to equal and appreciative communication based on transactional analysis - Focus on sensory acuity in relation to your colleagues' body language and personality types - Setting goals through visualization for how you can contribute to more job satisfaction - Introduction to how you can use personal branding to positively influence your surroundings - Focus on your own beliefs and how you avoid them slowing you down and your relationship with your colleagues - An individual success palette that increases your positive radiance and ability to create enthusiasm - Practice in verbal, vocal and non-verbal communication - Practice in giving and receiving constructive and positive feedback - Practice using storytelling through your own or the team's positive story and success experiences PROGRAM The workshop includes the program with up to 4 hours of learning and hands-on learning. PLACE your business NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS 5-25 participants per team MORE INFORMATION: Contact Lise Bartell Phone: +45 28 10 28 25 Mail:
Foredragsholder: Lise Bartell
Varighed: 180 - 240 minutter
Emner: Behaviour, Communication, Company culture, Cooperation, Inclusion, Leadership groups, Management og Work environment
Sprog: Dansk
Tilgængelig fysisk
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