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workshop med Sara Øllgaard
Management og Personal development
25.000,00 DKK
Beregnes senere
1.125,00 DKK
I alt ekskl. moms
26.125,00 DKK
25% moms
6.531,25 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
32.656,25 DKK
Prisen vil variere ift. transport- og servicegebyr. Beløbet opkræves først når bookingen er færdiggjort.
Try a new change management tool for personal and professional growth At the workshop, we work with your concrete challenges through the use of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) tool. For the lecture, you will get an insight into the background of the Inner Development Goals tool and the huge toolkit that is available free of charge. We talk about how it can be used in your management group, in your team or personally. Finally, we test the tool in practice, and put it into perspective in relation to other management and change tools. What do you get? * Insight into the 23 competencies in the IDG framework, which can inspire new approaches to meet challenges and opportunities * Application of the IDG spiderweb tool to a specific challenge you as a team, management group or individually are facing. * Identification of possible focus areas and coaching in relation to identifying actions that will help in relation to the specific challenge, and anchor learning * Coaching method that helps anchor learning and identify concrete actions * Perspective Target group The workshop is for the management group or department that wants to develop as a team or individually, and is inspired to work with concrete dilemmas. Both management or organizational dilemmas. The most important thing is that you are ready to work with the challenges and are curious about how the IDG tool can help you. Expect an energetic day where you get to know each other better. Overall programme, which is adapted to the target group and purpose: Introduction to Inner Development Goals: Background and the special features of the change tool Change management in a broader perspective Exercises with the IDG tool - including the spiderweb model, where you score yourself according to the 23 qualities in the spiderweb model Coaching in relation to the specific challenge Discussion and perspective: What the IDGs+ can do
Foredragsholder: Sara Øllgaard
Varighed: 310 - 480 minutter
Emner: Change management, Coaching, Focus, Management, Personal development og Self-management
Sprog: Dansk
Tilgængelig fysisk
All of Denmark
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