facebookCreate Change from the Heart: An Introduction to Inner Development Goals af Sara Øllgaard | Youandx

talk med Sara Øllgaard

Create Change from the Heart: An Introduction to Inner Development Goals

Management og Personal development




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External change starts with personal leadership

Try a new change management tool for personal and professional growth For the lecture, you will get an insight into the background of the Inner Development Goals tool (IDGs) and how you can use it in practice in your management group, in your team or personally in relation to tackling the changes you/you want to create. What do you get? * Insight into the 23 competencies in the IDG framework, which can inspire new approaches to meet challenges and opportunities * Use of the IDG spider web tool to identify possible focus areas in relation to your/your specific challenge * Get introduced to the huge toolkit available for free with an arsenal of practical exercises for team and self development Target group This lecture is for those of you who are curious about how the IDG tool can be used as a management tool in practice. Program Introduction to Inner Development Goals: Background and the special features of the change tool Exercise: Score yourself according to the 23 qualities in the spiderweb model Conversation: Group dialogue, where the participants identify which qualities it will be relevant to work with Discussion and perspective: What the IDGs+ can do

Foredragsholder: Sara Øllgaard

Varighed: 60 - 120 minutter

Emner: Challenges, Change management, Coaching, Management, Personal development og Self-management

Sprog: Dansk


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