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Gingerols, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, probiotics… There is no shortage of foreign names when the mainstays of the anti-inflammatory diet, which are so valuable for osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, stress, training injuries and numerous other ailments, are long over the counter. But what is hidden behind the words, and what do you do if you want to start changing your diet? It can be difficult to figure out on your own; especially at a time when you are bombarded with conflicting information about what is healthy and what you should stay away from. The solution to the confusion comes here, because in his lecture, Martin Kreutzer lifts the veil on the well-documented magic of food, and gives you concrete tools for how to eat an anti-inflammatory diet for a strengthened immune system. The lecture also touches on other lifestyle factors, such as stress, body composition and exercise, and there is a guarantee that you will get a wealth of tools to work with. The starting point for the lecture is Martin's bestsellers on anti-inflammatory diet; a dietary paradigm that he has helped to establish in the Western world and continues to put all his energy into spreading knowledge about. So you can look forward to getting the answers to all your questions from the giraffe's mouth, with all the weight that comes from letting one of the most experienced experts speak.
Foredragsholder: Martin Kreutzer
Varighed: 75 - 120 minutter
Emner: Health, Lifestyle, Performance, Personal development, Personal effectiveness og Stress
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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