facebookanti-stress strategies af Martin Kreutzer | Youandx

one-to-one med Martin Kreutzer

anti-stress strategies

Personal development og Health




4.600,00 DKK

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207,00 DKK

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4.807,00 DKK

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1.201,75 DKK

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6.008,75 DKK

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8-week dietary course with a focus on making you extra robust against the challenges of (working) life

You are elitist in your approach to the job. Let the supportive lifestyle kick into gear. Regardless of whether you start to feel the wear and tear from a hard working life in the form of reduced stress tolerance, rising blood pressure, falling ability to concentrate or other signs that the pressure is taking its toll. Or you want to improve your already high performance and prevent unnecessary wear and tear, then the course is the perfect investment. Target group: Business performers in demanding positions. I work with lawyers, accountants, IT consultants, bank directors, professors, the self-employed and many other people who work beyond the ordinary. The common feature is the desire to develop increased stamina in everyday life and in certain cases to find back the energy and the body that characterized the first years in the fast track of the career. Content: The process is 100 percent personal and confidential. I spare no means to help you on the right path. Together, through your and my investment in the process, we get you on the right course and maintain this through physical meetings, text messages, phone calls and whatever else it may require. Based on the initial meeting, 100 percent personal diet and exercise frameworks are defined, and you also get additional tools to optimize your stress regulation, daily energy management and much more. During the entire course, there is free sparring per e-mail or telephone. If necessary, the physical meetings can, for a fee, be placed where it makes the most sense for you. Place: The consultations usually take place in my office at Jægersborg Allé 1E in Charlottenlund. Typically on weekdays, during the day, but exact times are agreed between the parties.

Foredragsholder: Martin Kreutzer

Varighed: 45 - 120 minutter

Emner: Balance, Coaching, Health, Lifestyle, Personal development og Stress

Sprog: Dansk


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