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talk med Lars Christensen
Culture and Society og Economics and Finance
25.000,00 DKK
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32.656,25 DKK
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We are facing a long election campaign leading up to the US presidential election in 2024, which will undoubtedly be one of the most important global events of the year with major political, economic and financial implications. In this lecture, Lars Christensen gives an insight into the American presidential election. By highlighting the current (primary) candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, Lars Christensen will provide a comprehensive picture of the political landscape. He will describe the election process from the primaries to election day itself and provide insight into the strategies and battles that can be expected. Lars' focus will be especially on how these political events affect the global and American economy. He will discuss the significance of the US budget deficit and its potential role in the election campaign. In addition, he will analyze how major geopolitical tensions, such as the conflict between Israel and Hamas, as well as the situation in Ukraine, can affect both the election and subsequent economic policies. This lecture will not only provide an in-depth analysis of the economic and political implications of the election, but also illuminate the more subtle dynamics at work behind the scenes. Lars will investigate whether it is the economy that drives the election results, or whether the elected leaders shape the economy, and how these factors interact in a complex global environment. With over 30 years of experience and a unique ability to convey complex topics in an understandable way, Lars Christensen is the ideal guide to navigate this complex and critically important topic. His talk is essential for anyone who wants to understand how the upcoming US presidential election will shape not only the American but also the global political and economic landscape.
Foredragsholder: Lars Christensen
Varighed: 45 - 90 minutter
Emner: Culture and Society, Economics and Finance, Economy, Globalization, Politics og USA
Sprog: Dansk, Engelsk og sv
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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