facebookTrain your brain - the way to better performance and (life) quality af Bo Staal | Youandx

talk med Bo Staal

Train your brain - the way to better performance and (life) quality

Communication og Management




7.900,00 DKK

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10.319,38 DKK

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The formula for success and high well-being - at the same time

Do you want to learn how to change and develop both yourself and the organization you are part of? The lecture shows you how you can use 3 specific things to ensure success and well-being in everyday life Tasks as a challenger Psychological security Something to laugh about Together with simple effective methods from the book, "Train your brain", the 3 steps form the core of Bo Staal's lecture. The lecture is based on knowledge from recognized brain research as well as Bo Staal's more than 20 years of experience in applying that knowledge in practice when he leads, develops and trains people and organisations.

Foredragsholder: Bo Staal

Varighed: 25 - 90 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Change management, Communication, Cooperation, Management og Personal management

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk og online

Appetizer: Vores tilknyttede eksperters appetizer-foredrag er helt ekskl. hos Youandx. De varer fra 15 til 60 minutter, og er en kort indføring til den enkeltes foredragsholders speciale. Disse foredrag er billigere end vores traditionelle foredrag, da indholdet er kendetegnet ved at være fastlagt både indholds- og tidsmæssigt og har derudover et begrænset deltagerantal


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