facebookGet control of stress - create profit in everyday life af Bo Staal | Youandx

talk med Bo Staal

Get control of stress - create profit in everyday life

Communication og Health




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Get the recipe for removing stress and creating well-being and results instead

Do you want to learn how to deal with the effects of stress so that you create an everyday life with well-being and results. Today, we know so much about the brain that we can design an everyday life which, even when there are stressful effects, creates fertile ground for job satisfaction and results. The recipe is simple - and just requires the right plan to succeed. Hear how in this lecture. You get simple methods that are directly applicable in everyday life. The lecture is based on knowledge from recognized brain research as well as Bo Staal's more than 20 years of experience in applying that knowledge in practice when he leads, develops and trains people and organisations. Bo Staal is the author of the book "Train your brain", which contains methods from the lecture.

Foredragsholder: Bo Staal

Varighed: 15 - 120 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Communication, Cooperation, Health og Stress

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


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