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one-to-one med Arne Nielsson
Management og Motivation
5.000,00 DKK
Beregnes senere
225,00 DKK
I alt ekskl. moms
5.225,00 DKK
25% moms
1.306,25 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
6.531,25 DKK
Prisen vil variere ift. transport- og servicegebyr. Beløbet opkræves først når bookingen er færdiggjort.
Arne Nielsson has broad experience with personal coaching, which extends from elite athletes to top managers and private individuals. In a course with Arne, you work together with personal development and you will jointly set up the framework for how you work towards your goals and dreams. Arne has a strong focus on what exactly the individual needs and how to create harmony between work, family and free time. Among other things, Arne can help with: How do you balance work and family? How do you change your thought patterns and habits for the better? How do you become the best version of yourself? What can you do to achieve your personal goals and how will you measure whether you are achieving them? A course with Arne can extend over a few months to several years. As a starting point, you meet with Arne once every 4-6 months. week or as needed. Between each session there are homework assignments that you must continue to work on. A course with Arne can be the push in the right direction you need to change your life. Like any other form of coaching, respect, trust and chemistry are the basis for you to create results together. Arne takes pride in ensuring that you are an optimal match for each other. "The price is indicative and from price".
Foredragsholder: Arne Nielsson
Varighed: 120 - 120 minutter
Emner: Job satisfaction, Management, Motivation, Personal management og Winning mentality
Sprog: Dansk
Tilgængelig fysisk
Baseret på 3 anmeldelser
hr manager, FO
Som altid super god og brugbar og konkret.
Financial Outsourcing
Det var som altid en god session, som gav alle stof til eftertanke og perspektiv ift. team-samarbejde.
HR Partner, 2care4 Aps
Virkelig relevant og fantastiske sessioner, hvor tilbagmeldingen har været meget positiv fra deltagere. Det har givet refleksioner, sat ting i perspektiv og vigtigst af alt givet folk blod på tanden til at arbejde videre med det. Det er bestemt redskaber der ikke blot bliver lagt i skuffen.
Arne Nielsson har ingen billeder i galleriet.