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It does not bode well for the mental well-being of young people. Many struggle with stress, anxiety, loneliness and the feeling of being inadequate, and even the most resilient can be challenged. Therefore, children and young people need supportive parents who manage to accommodate and guide them. Unfortunately, many parents are confused when it comes to their teenagers. They need concrete advice on how they can support better conversations and togetherness. Based on their book, which was published in autumn 2023 "I LYT TIL YOUR TEENAGER", Arne together with Stina Grøn provides concrete tools for parents with teenage children. Their insights are based on the latest research, knowledge and documentation. Arne and Stine also present four different types of parents and the dynamics, advantages and pitfalls that apply to each of them. In addition, they come up with a number of examples that illustrate how, when and why we get the young people wrong.
Foredragsholder: Arne Nielsson
Varighed: 60 - 90 minutter
Emner: Behaviour, Communication, Cooperation, Personal development, Psychology og Willpower
Sprog: Dansk
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