facebookCreate value and development with a professional in-house coach af Arne Nielsson | Youandx

one-to-one med Arne Nielsson


Create value and development with a professional in-house coach

Communication og Personal development



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Successful companies like Les Deux have Arne Nielsson as their employee coach

A professional in-house coach like Arne Nielsson can play a decisive role in the development of both the individual employee and the company as a whole. Regardless of whether you are a CEO or an employee in any part of the organization, a coaching session can help create both personal and professional momentum. Through tailor-made courses that can extend from 3 months to several years, the employee will be helped to achieve their goals - both at work and in private life. For the employee: Personal development and clear goals The coaching is based on finding the individual's value base and identifying the dreams and goals that have not yet been realized. By working with concrete, measurable ambitions within work, family and free time, the employee is helped to achieve balance in life. When the employee has clear goals in their personal and professional life, it becomes easier to perform at work, thrive in family life and get the most out of their free time. The coaching focuses on everything from job-related achievements to how the employee can be a better partner, parent and colleague – and not least how they achieve physical and mental well-being. For the company: Increased productivity and engagement An employee who has clear goals, feels settled and in balance, contributes more energy and commitment to his work. Arne Nielsson's coaching helps the employee to create harmony between private and working life, which leads to increased well-being and thus higher productivity. Employees who have clear direction and a strong sense of purpose are more likely to take responsibility, make better decisions, and collaborate effectively with colleagues. This means fewer sick days, better performance and a positive impact on the company's culture. Coaching for everyone in the organization Arne Nielsson's coaching is for the entire organization – from top management to employees across departments. For top managers, it is about clarifying strategic goals and ensuring that their decisions are based on a solid foundation of values. For the individual employee, coaching can be the key to finding job satisfaction, clarifying their career development and creating a balance between work and private life. Long-term development and evaluation The coaching is not a quick fix solution. With ongoing evaluations and measurements, Arne Nielsson ensures that the goals that are set are also achieved. This creates continuous development, which benefits both the employee and the company in the long term. Trust and chemistry as a foundation The most important prerequisite for successful coaching is a strong relationship between coach and employee. Trust, mutual respect and good chemistry are essential for the employee to get the full benefit of the coaching process. Arne Nielsson is therefore dedicated to creating a safe and trusting atmosphere where the individual can develop and achieve their goals.

Foredragsholder: Arne Nielsson

Varighed: 0 - 0 minutter

Emner: Behaviour, Coaching, Communication, Cooperation, Performance, Personal development og Personal effectiveness

Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk


Tilgængelig fysisk

All of Denmark




Baseret på 102 anmeldelser


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