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talk med Christiane Meulengracht
Communication og Management
18.000,00 DKK
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810,00 DKK
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18.810,00 DKK
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4.702,50 DKK
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23.512,50 DKK
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In communication there are 3 layers that determine the quality of the communication. There is the visible and there is the invisible, which takes place in each and every one of us. Unfortunately, we tend to focus on the visible, while what really determines the outcome of the conversation or communication is what takes place invisibly and unconsciously. In other words, our rational and reflective brain is playing tricks on us. Because we often think that we are using our rational thinking brain, but in reality we are controlled by a completely different part of the brain that operates below the level of consciousness. This can mean that: - Far too many talents are lost on the ground because the employee does not feel met and heard. - Far too many change processes are weakened because employees' hidden insecurities and interpretation of the situation are not taken into account. Far too many managers avoid the difficult situations because they are not aware of the decisive factor in communication, which Christiane Meulengracht calls "the missing link". It is because if you can communicate optimally, you can do everything. Then big problems become small problems. Through the 3 layers of the Understanding Model, it becomes very easy to discover exactly where the potential for increasing well-being, good collaboration and excellent leadership lies. In this lecture, Christiane Meulengracht points out: - Therefore, the unconscious parts of your brain determine your communication. The key is to become aware of this and become an even better leader and motivator. Christiane Meulengracht teaches you the method. - This is how you and I create an (even) better collaboration with clear communication just by turning up two qualities that you already possess. - This is how you make difficult conversations easier and with mutual understanding. - Why your brain is fantastic but can also be the thing that strains your legs when it comes to "difficult" situations. - "The missing link" in communication, which is the key to turning what may seem like big problems into small problems. In this lecture/workshop you will learn how to bring yourself into play which gives you the potential to resolve all conflicts, challenges and take difficult conversations without stomachaches and sleepless nights.
Foredragsholder: Christiane Meulengracht
Varighed: 45 - 120 minutter
Emner: Behaviour, Change management, Communication, Conflict management, Cooperation, Crisis management, Management og Personal management
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
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