facebookThe Good Humor af Finn Nørbygaard | Youandx

course med Finn Nørbygaard

The Good Humor


Pris pr. deltager


2.500,00 DKK

112,50 DKK

I alt ekskl. moms

2.612,50 DKK

25% moms

653,13 DKK

I alt inkl. moms

3.265,63 DKK

Se tilgængelighed

Humor is the foundation of the atmosphere for a good working environment

All studies show that humor in the workplace is an important ingredient in a good working environment. Humor is the foundation of the atmosphere. An investment in healthy humor is an investment in a healthy atmosphere in the company. In the "Good Humor" course, employees learn when something is a "good laugh" and when it is a "bad laugh." When is humor healthy and when is it unhealthy? - We learn when we laugh with someone and when we laugh at someone. - How does gossip affect a workplace? - When do we include our colleagues and when do we exclude them? - We investigate what distinguishes women's humor from men's humor - is there any difference at all? - We investigate what teasing means for a collaborative climate. What does the use of irony and sarcasm mean to the atmosphere? - How do we detect humor with sexist and racist undertones? - Why is the use of self-irony so important? - What happens to us when we laugh and why is laughing so important for our well-being? The group is presented with a number of cases with humor difficulties, where the employees work in groups with proposed solutions. We conclude by finding the three guidelines that must apply to healthy humor in our workplace. The three guidelines are framed and hung up in the canteen. NB! The course lasts 3 hours and for a minimum of 8 participants.

Foredragsholder: Finn Nørbygaard

Sprog: Dansk


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