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In this lecture, Finn Nørbygaard will take us on a journey through the different forms of humor and their diversity. Humor can have many different characteristics, such as being friendly, pointed, provocative, silly or indifferent. Humor can be compared to oil in a car, as the car can run on low oil but will burn up if it runs out. Humor is a survival mechanism that we all need, even if we don't always use it to its full potential. Finn will also share his personal experience with humor and describe how his fascination with the different forms of humor has changed over time. He will also give examples of how humor works in commercials, including some of the commercials he himself has participated in, such as the Tuborg Squash commercial. Laughter is often the goal of humor, and in the last part of the lecture, Finn Nørbygaard will describe the life-giving processes that laughter can trigger in the body.
Foredragsholder: Finn Nørbygaard
Varighed: 40 - 60 minutter
Emner: Celebrities, Culture and Society, Danishness og Humor
Sprog: Dansk
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