facebookGood thing we got older af Finn Nørbygaard | Youandx

talk med Finn Nørbygaard

Good thing we got older

Culture and Society og Celebrities




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We have what we need

The transition from a working life to a life as a pensioner opens up developmentally for an energy realignment. Namely a shift from performance to reflection. And thus insight. A reduced and changed pace of life also gives rise to a surprising feeling for many, namely gratitude. The fact that one has not felt it to any significant extent in the past is not due to ingratitude. It is because the feeling of gratitude requires that we now be able to notice; it requires rest to be able to fill our body. Senior life gives access to a multitude of emotions that until now have been "in storage". In the same way it is with the insight into one's personal life. Insight is now facing a golden period. That this is happening now in our lives is no accident. We haven't been able to "grab it" before, because you can't rush to gain insight. It follows from calmness and reflection.

Foredragsholder: Finn Nørbygaard

Varighed: 30 - 120 minutter

Emner: Celebrities, Culture, Culture and Society, Diversity, Humor og Storytelling

Sprog: Dansk


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