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talk med Bo Bresson
Climate and Sustainability og Management
12.000,00 DKK
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540,00 DKK
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12.540,00 DKK
25% moms
3.135,00 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
15.675,00 DKK
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Do you want to be among the third who succeed with strategy, goals and changes? Then let strategy nerd Bo Bresson give you the secrets behind strategy in the 21st century. Achieving goals with an ambitious and sustainable strategy is simpler than most people think – it just requires a different way of working with strategy than the traditional one. Bo breaks down the 5 typical mistakes in strategy work: • Strategy is planning • Any idiot can make a strategy – the hard part is implementing it • We must first do a thorough analysis • The more pages a strategy takes up, the more serious it is • The strategy must be 100% right And he explains why the traditional GPS questions – 1) Where are we?, 2) Where are we going?, and 3) How do we get there? – have long since failed. NeuroStrategy is the new method for developing a strategy that is so ambitious that you mobilize your full potential, and so simple that you navigate loyally to it every day. Bo teaches you to use your brain strategically, so that you strengthen your mindset and judgment. And he presents the 3 plus 2 questions that every effective strategy must answer. You also get the recipe for how your company achieves its goals with a strategy that creates growth and increased profits. Bo shows how you can write the strategy on 1 page, and he gives you practical answers to questions such as: • Should we have a sustainability strategy? - or should we make the company strategy green? • Should the strategy process be democratized? - and if so, when and how? • How do we incorporate the strategy into operations? • Which employee group is the biggest opponent? - and how do we handle it? • How do we maximize strategy effectiveness?
Foredragsholder: Bo Bresson
Varighed: 45 - 120 minutter
Emner: CSR, Change management, Climate and Sustainability, Company culture, Growth, Management, Sustainability og The 17 World Goals
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
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