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Nordic animism is linked to the turn of the year, the change of light and the life cycle of crops. Our holidays stem from animistic practices that relate to the country's cyclical transformations. One relates to the cycle of the sun and moon. You personify the festival's gallery of spirits with masks and you work with the life-giving transformations that transform seed into grain, grain into crop, crop into the basis of life. - I offer lectures on specific seasons. It could, for example, be about the Animism of Spring, the Animism of Christmas, the Animism of Winter or about the work of resuming the Julebuk masquerade in Copenhagen. Find this on my website
Foredragsholder: Rune Hjarnø
Varighed: 30 - 90 minutter
Emner: Biodiversity, Circular economy, Climate and Sustainability, Culture, Culture and Society, Danishness og Religion
Sprog: Dansk og Engelsk
Tilgængelig fysisk og online
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