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Most people have heard that you have to think outside the box. Still, many people find that, when faced with problems, they lack the tools to find creative solutions. Did you know that you can train your ability to solve problems? And that you can train it in an interesting and surprising way with recreational mathematics? Most people can significantly increase their value in the labor market by becoming better at solving problems big and small. Both in communities and on your own. The workshop draws on Kasper's experience from over 20 years as a professional problem solver, namely entrepreneurship and the journey with MatematikFessor. It is seasoned with knowledge about focused working methods and the ability to think both quickly and slowly. It's about training the ability to be able to focus and tone it down. In the workshop, you yourself will be faced with a range of interesting problems, all with the aim of giving you tools for your own everyday life. Because the best way to learn how to solve problems is to face them face to face.
Foredragsholder: Kasper Holst Hansen
Varighed: 120 - 180 minutter
Emner: Focus, Personal development, Personal effectiveness og Willpower
Sprog: Dansk
Tilgængelig fysisk
All of Denmark
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