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talk med Kasper Holst Hansen
Entrepreneurship og Life stories
10.000,00 DKK
Beregnes senere
450,00 DKK
I alt ekskl. moms
10.450,00 DKK
25% moms
2.612,50 DKK
I alt inkl. moms *
13.062,50 DKK
Prisen vil variere ift. transport- og servicegebyr. Beløbet opkræves først når bookingen er færdiggjort.
What does it take to create a strong brand from scratch? And how do you think and work when you want to change an industry forever? Kasper knows both, because he has gone all the way from the conception of an idea at home to an exit for a larger, double-digit million sum to Egmont. A journey where the brand MatematikFessor was created and the teaching industry was changed. In many ways, entrepreneurship can be compared to elite sports, where you often have to set aside life as most people know it, and where you have to think creatively and outside the box. Therefore, great success often requires a skewed and sometimes childish approach. The lecture gives a unique insight into how a successful entrepreneur works with his urge to create and, not least, thinks and acts when you have a fierce desire to change the world with your idea. The meeting with Kasper will also offer the shadow sides – the sides you don't hear about in Løvens Hule. The exciting thing here is that adversity can create progress and shape willpower and strengthen character.
Foredragsholder: Kasper Holst Hansen
Varighed: 45 - 75 minutter
Emner: Co-creation, Concept development, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Life stories og Personal stories
Sprog: Dansk
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