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Motivation, well-being and retention can be difficult in the labor market of the 2020s, especially when you as a manager are expected to constantly create strong performances with fewer hands and more demands. Does that sound familiar? So be happy that it doesn't have to be particularly difficult to do something about it - but it starts with you as managers and as a workplace being willing to adjust your management. We both excite, inspire and provide concrete tools to lift your management and create better performance. Based on the book "other people's money and other people's lives" and our research behind it, we share the latest knowledge about current management trends, the new management values and how we ensure that motivation, well-being and performance go hand in hand. The lecture is full of practical, concrete examples of leadership in everyday life - both what works and what we should refrain from doing. And although the entertainment value is high, there is a focus on concrete and practical examples of how you can do it. Because management is also a craft. We ourselves have more than 20 years of management experience from both middle management and executive level, and we share both our own and our many customers' experiences. It will be both entertaining and educational, guaranteed to bring some aha's back to the office.
Foredragsholder: Elize Dimare / Johnny Sørensen
Varighed: 20 - 75 minutter
Emner: Change management, Job satisfaction, Leadership groups, Management, Motivation, Personal management, Talent development og Winning mentality
Sprog: Dansk, sv, Nej og Engelsk
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