Ulrik Nerløe - one of the leading experts in future management, personal, professional and organizational development.
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Ulrik has a strong track record of success in helping leadership teams and organizations transform their culture and leadership. He is known for his ability to provide deep insights and practical strategies for personal and professional development, and his ability to help people unlock the power of their minds, emotions and energy to achieve success and satisfaction in all areas of their lives. Ulrik is an experienced mentor, international Bestseller author and public speaker. He is one of the leading experts in personal, professional and organizational development with a deep understanding of the transformation from unconscious to conscious lifestyle. His unique approach combines knowledge of quantum physics, energy and emotional intelligence to help individuals, leaders and organizations achieve their goals and reach their full potential. As a mentor, Ulrik is dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to help achieve their desired results. He is passionate about helping people reach their full potential and gain a greater understanding of the world around them. As an international Bestseller author and lecturer, Ulrik has shared his knowledge and insight with audiences all over the world. He is an engaging and dynamic speaker, known for his ability to connect with the audience and give practical and concrete advice that can be translated into increased quality of life. If you want to transform your personal and professional life, Ulrik is the ideal mentor to guide you on your journey. With his deep understanding of the transformation from conscious to conscious lifestyle, energy and emotional intelligence, he can help you unleash the power of your mind, emotions and energy to achieve success and satisfaction in all areas of your life.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
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Direktør, Transø Trading Co ApS
Ulrik er en super inspirerende foredragsholder med massere af positiv energi. Det er en lærerig fornøjelse at deltage, og Ulrik rammer plet med sine analyser af folk, og er god til at få aktiveret deltagerne.
Meget inspirerende og energifyldt formidler. De varmeste anbefalinger.
CEO, Censea Consulting
Fantastisk og meget medrivende foredrag, hvor alle var med og på.
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