How do you make your company ready for change without compromising?
Sebastian Nybo tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
Sebastian Nybo is an experienced lecturer and a strong communicator. He always manages to capture the audience and is good at getting beyond the stage. With a lecture by Sebastian Nybo, the professionalism is always top notch. Sebastian Nybo has international experience as a debater, teacher and writer. He has experience in the health sector and management jobs, including at Politikens Hus, where he was responsible for recruitment and training in sales. Sebastian deals with both business advice and spirituality. He has a business education, which has given him basic knowledge, and he also has practical experience, coupled with an in-depth study in psychology, this forms the basis of his foundation, which gives him several angles on communication.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 1 anmeldelse
Team Leder, SDC
Det var lige præcis det vi havde brug for i vores afdeling. Jeg har allerede nu fået mange positive tilbagemeldinger fra deltagerene om det var en stor fornøjelse at blive inspireret af Sebastian. Jeg er meget taknemlig for, at jeg fik en mulighed for at invitere Sebastian, som kunne vise os en ny retning for samarbejde. Jeg vil bruge hans input til at arbejde videre med emnet.
Sebastian Nybo har ingen eksterne links.