How can refugees bring ideas and a larger customer base to the company?
Razan Haugaard tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
Razan Haugaard is a Kurdish refugee from Iraq. At the age of 13, she was married in an arranged marriage to an older man. As a 17-year-old in 1990, she fled Iraq and came to Denmark with her husband and their two small children. Today, she is the mother of four children, has been through two divorces and has taken courses and made a career at the same time. Razan works in the area of integration, especially with refugees in job-oriented courses. She develops and delivers services to the country's municipalities and job centres, and she collaborates with many companies on integration programs for refugees in Denmark. The majority of the work consists of outlining solutions and doing stakeholder analyses, determining strategies and drawing up implementation plans, just as Razan is often responsible for the actual management of the process. In 2020, Razan published the book "It's women like me, they call victims" written by author Dorte Hygum Sørensen.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 2 anmeldelser
akomm - arbejdsmarkedsrettet kommunikation & strategi
Jeg havde fornøjelsen af at høre Razans Haugaards foredrag om ”Det er kvinder som mig, de kalder ofre” torsdag den 17. september 2020. Med udgangspunkt i sin personlige fortælling satte Razan ord på følelserne bag hendes personlige historie. Razan står virkelig stærkt på scenen og det er svært ikke at blive revet med af hendes ord. Razan formår at vende sine oplevelser til styrke og læring – og det er tydeligt, at hun er fantastisk dygtig til at videregive den læring og styrke til andre, der har...
Projektleder, Jobcenter Hillerød
Der er kun stor ros til Razan for et indlevende, motiverende og inspirerende foredrag.
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