Inspiring lectures on the human side of digital technologies and artificial intelligence
Peter Svarre tager kun imod direkte forespørgsler.
Peter Svarre holds a Master of Science in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen and a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University in New York. He was most recently employed as Marketing Director at Bang & Olufsen, but since 1996 has worked with digital marketing and communication in companies such as Morgenavisen Jyllandsposten, Framfab, Hello Group and In2media. He works as an independent digital advisor, author and lecturer, and in autumn 2022 he published the book Digital Ethics – a book that relates to the technology criticism of recent years and tries to find new ways to develop a responsible and ethical digital world. In 2012, he published the book The Perfect Storm, which is about digital strategy and social media. The book quickly became a business bestseller and has since been used far and wide in Danish companies and in teaching at Danish educational institutions. In 2018, his book, What shall we do with humans?, which is about artificial intelligence, was published. What is it? Where did it come from? What can it do? And what will this mean for people, companies and our social communities? In his lectures, Peter Svarre combines his many years of experience from practical projects with vivid and inspiring analyzes of how digital media affect society, companies and users of the internet. Peter Svarre is a lecturer who can make you dizzy with the perspectives that open up with the use of new digital media, but at the same time he can pull you down to earth again with very concrete and down-to-earth examples. Peter Svarre's lecture is about digital media, but you don't need to have the extended internet driver's license to understand his lecture. His point is precisely that digital technology and artificial intelligence are much more about culture, sociology and business than about technology. Technology opens up new opportunities, but we need to understand the cultural, sociological and business consequences if we really want to navigate the new digital world. Peter Svarre's lectures typically take place at a fast pace and involve a lot of use of video and sound. You won't see a single bullet point - instead, you'll feel entertained and intellectually enriched.
Tilbyder fysiske ydelser
Baseret på 2 anmeldelser
Fagleder, Cybersikkerhed og Digital Ansvarlighed, DI
Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag
Anbefalingen gælder både Peter i rollen som moderator og i rollen som indlægsholder
Projektleder , Dansk IT
Anmeldelse handler om: Foredrag
Jeg blev både opløftet og inspireret af foredraget om Ai og etik. Endelig forstår man, hvad kunstig intelligens er for en størrelse og ikke mindst, hvad man kan og bør bruge det til.
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