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Peter Jørgensen

Peter speaks quickly and always from the heart




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Om Peter Jørgensen

Guaranteed success! "I am proud that my profession is the world's oldest - trade between people is the entire foundation of our society. Yet it stands in stark contrast to the reputation and renown that surrounds our profession and people. We must change that. And when we dare to step out of the shadows - with both a personal attitude and new acquired skills - success follows" The sales lecture provokes already in its title of "Denmark's shortest training" and in 1 hour the status quo is challenged when both the energy, the belief in one's own abilities and general competences are lifted up where common prejudices such as "salespeople can only sell what they don't have" are made into shame. The tone is slightly provocative when, at a breakneck pace, with razor-sharp attitudes and very specific tools, you are pulled right to the edge - also off the chair - but don't worry, Peter guarantees that no one will get to the board. With international sales experience at director level for more than half of his life, Peter Jørgensen is behind landmark sales successes within the European retail world. He has a completely unique view of how you create value for your customers, your business and thereby yourself. Today Peter owns and runs several companies, one of which is a European network of Key Account Managers with access to +300 retail chains in Europe.


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Anmeldelser af Peter Jørgensen



Baseret på 21 anmeldelser


Morten Noppenau

Tuesday, 25. February, 2025

Country Manager Denmark & Iceland, Askalon


Vi havde en fantastisk formiddag i Peters selskab. Det var i den grad forfriskende at få nogle gode inputs krydret med underholdende historier. Vi have Peter på besøg som opstart på året og fin i den grad hvad vi havde håbet på.

Dorthe Zibrandtsen

Monday, 30. September, 2024

Bygningskonstruktør/indehaver, LF Byggerådgivning


Konkret, levende og engageret oplæg. Meget relaterbart og brugbart.

Claus Wede

Thursday, 26. September, 2024

Business Development Manager, Business Lolland Falster


Super inspirerende, humoristisk og professionel peptalk om “Salg” og den rolle alle stifter bekendtskab med, uanset om man har en sælgerrolle i en virksomhed, eller blot skal “sælge” en god ide til ens partner.

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Peter Jørgensen - Onboardingvideo MED SUBT.mp4

Peter Jørgensen - Er du klar over hvor mange uduelige sælgere der findes MED SUBT.mp4

Peter Jørgensen - Produktfremviserens dage er talte MED SUBT

Peter Jørgensen - Om passion

Peter Jørgensen – Om salg og privatliv

Peter Jørgensen - Gå imod strømmen, og tænk ud af boksen

Peter Jørgensen - Danmarks korteste uddannelse

SHOTGUN #78 - Peter Jørgensen - Salg - Final